Sermons Sundays @ 11am


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WHO ARE WE? We are a group of individuals who are looking to God for direction and purpose. We know we are sick in sin and we need a Saviour who will help us get well. We call ourselves Baptist because we believe everyone needs to make such an important decision themselves. The outcome of this decision to follow Jesus Christ show in our life when we tell the world about our decision to be baptized. Baptism to us is an outward showing of an inward change. We go down into the water fully and raise up out of the water to a new life in Christ.

But we are more than that. We are a family, a fellowship that loves to get together for the purpose of worship, fellowship, call and mission. In Worship we praise God for all His blessing on us and give glory to Him because there is non-other who can save us from our own sin. Being a family means a lot to us. As a family we care for each other and help each other in any way we can, especially praying for each other.

We sincerely believe we all have a specific calling on our lives. A calling where we use that calling to let others know God cares. It can be in public speaking, singing, leading small groups or Sunday classroom teachers. But God calls each one of us to a ministry where we make a difference in this world under the direction of God. We want people to know they are loved, they have worth and are needed.A long time ago I heard this: A family that prays together stays together. And it truer today then when I heard these words a lifetime ago.
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