Sermons Sundays @ 11am

December 2020

Happy New Year


The depth of our commitment to Christ clouds our faith or colours our faith. Some believe Jesus but it's not the same as believing in Him. We are considered the most biblically illiterate generation of modern times. When we really think about this it will make us want to go deeper in our faith and our knowledge of God...

Christmas 2020 is almost upon us. If you have noticed, we are surrounded by all that Christmas has been for years and is even today. Have you noticed or is it just me, but there seems to more outside decorations this year than years past. Later last evening I took time to even notice the decorations inside home...

If you are like most, you do a lot of reflecting around this time of year. More so now with the pandemic. It could also be because we have a bit of a quiet time between Christmas & New Year's coming up. By reflection I mean we start to think about where we have been in the last year and...

Sure Thing!


My parents told me the only sure things in life were death and taxes. But, there is only one sure thing in our lives this month and that is, Christmas is Coming! This is what I have heard lately in regards to Christmas presents. There are so many parcels being shipped in the world that the shippers don't...

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