Sermons Sundays @ 11am

A Very, Very, New Beginning


It's been a long road and we are almost there. Most of us are not much for change but I can assure you, our next change in this world is something we have dreamed about for a long time. Life changed sixteen months ago and none of us wanted it. I also know that the older you get the more set in your ways you become. In other ways we will soon move on to a new and different norm. A good change this time.

Some of the ways we lived, a little over a year ago never need to come back. And maybe in my view, that is perfect. We don't need to go back to living in a whirlwind life. We have had a moment in time, yes, A Moment, to get our priorities back in order. I'm not going back there because through this time I have realized what is really important, and if you think about it, so have you.

While some of you have looked at this last year and a half as negative, I have tried to see the positives that glaringly have changed our vision of what real living is all about. So, if you don't mind, I will ask you a couple of questions.

First, did you relearn what it's like to sit back and just take a break, take a breath, smell the roses and unwind? God never intended us to go, go, go. Strangely enough He asked us to take a moment and just be still in His presence and know He is God and He loves us.

Remember the two sisters of Lazarus. They both loved Jesus deeply. But one was so fixated on scurrying around and getting the house clean and the supper on the stove that she missed out on taking a moment to just sit and listen as Jesus shared His heart and God's presence with them.

Secondly, I think we were too fixated on saying, "I'm fine", and forgot to open up our heart to each other. "How are you?", "I'm fine". But I wasn't and neither were you. Many of us needed to open our hearts to each other. To walk beside each other, to hold each other up, and to even share the one and only one who can get us through this in one piece.

I'm ready for the future. I'm set to embrace what is just around the corner and think positively about what is down the road in the next few months. At the beginning of this new normal, we need to never give up what we found. It includes taking time to sit quietly, opening up about our struggles, washing them away with our hand sanitizer and then, go back to leaning on the everlasting arm of Jesus. Because, if you haven't noticed, He got us through, and we didn't even have to ask; He just showed up.

Something to think about.


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