Sermons Sundays @ 11am

Go & Do


It's well past time. Most of us have sat back for almost a year now. Sat in our easy chair and take it, well, easy. As we now see our world without rose coloured glasses, we are seeing life in it's raw & gritty state. Life is no longer veiled in a drape of our own imagination. Out there we hear about how people are seeing things they never saw before and then doing something about it. As followers of Christ, this may be our opportunity to make a difference just like they did many times in the past.

I wish everyone who reads this will make 2021 the year that we don't just sit back. But it's time to follow Jesus Christ, and make it our mission to bring light to this dark and dreary world. I hear of a ten year old starting to raise money for a family going through a rough life changing situation. Another child writes greeting cards to all the residents of a long term care facility. Does it take a child like faith to put wings to all that we can do? Ask yourself, 'what can I do'. Believe me, if you look, you can do something that will change a person's life. And just so you know, it could be your life. When we get out of our comfortable chair, you will discover that what you do changes everything. Something about; "love your neighbour as yourself."

How do I know this? By doing and listening to what others are doing and my bible telling me, 'go and do likewise'. I know this also by opening my bible and reading story after story of life changes in people's lives. The biggest events that I read about are when Jesus talked to others. The women at the well, changed her and her town. After Martha called out her sister, she changed. Nicodemus had his life changed when he received an answer from Jesus. But even greater things happened when all 11 disciples strapped on their sandals and put all that Jesus had taught them into practice and the church grew and everyone had things in common.

It is not asking someone else to do something. It's not even paying someone to do something. It is us doing something. We are now into 2021, leaving a dreadful year behind. A year that focused on ourselves hibernating inside our four walls. NOW we can open up new horizons that will come daily in our lives when we realize like the disciples did, that we can make a difference when we find what Jesus calls us to do.

Think about it and do likewise.


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