Sermons Sundays @ 11am

Wait For It....


As we wait for better times to return, let's not forget there is always good news all around us. Many of us are waiting for a word from our prime minister, premier and city officials that can raise our spirits. We are all looking forward to a "jab" as the British define it. It's part of any glimmer of hope we hold on to. Lock downs are not fun. Here's a thought. While we have been on lock down, we have actually spent less money. I know, it's happened to me and maybe that's our good news.

Usually, in times like we have just been through, the price of gas goes down. Not this time. As I was driving to work this morning the news channel told me they would tell me the reason it didn't go down. Then I thought about it. My gasoline bill went way down because I didn't drive as much and that is good news. Never did hear the reason, but I think it might have something to do with new taxes.

I even noticed that my heating bill at home has gone down in the last two months. I attribute that to not opening the door to go out and come in as often as before. Seems like Mrs. B and I get up each morning and make a list of what we won't be doing outside the home each day. This gave us opportunity to sit and do a jigsaw puzzle together. Good news again, except we lost one piece of the newest puzzle. This gave us opportunity to engage in spit and polish the room. I think the piece ran off somewhere and is hiding from us with all the other pieces we have lost over time.

But the best news of all is we have had time to reflect on what is truly important. Good news comes in small answers to prayer for many of us. The family is well, fewer car accidents this winter, we have got better at connecting with family through Face-time, Messenger, Zoom, etc. All of this gives us good reason to turn to God and thank Him for taking care of us and all those we care so dearly about.

There is good news in this as well. We can again make room for those times when we need to talk to Him. In the busyness of the life we left behind last March we can now rekindle our relationship with Him. It is probably the most important Good News we can embrace today because we have not yet arrived. We have to stay the course. We have to finish the race as Paul wrote for us in: Acts 20:24 . . . my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me-the task of testifying to the good news of God's grace.

Something to think about


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