Sermons Sundays @ 11am



Where do we go from here? Well, first off, the kids will be back in school soon. Many more individuals will travel back to the 'in the building' job and then . . . There is the problem. Many of us are afraid to go forward. Fear paralyses us and what is happening right now, doesn't help. That's where it all seems to come to a screeching halt. I'm not sure if we have found ourselves in some other undefinable crazy rut or we are still being held back by another wave. I even heard some people have been considering a change of occupations because they realize they don't really like what they are doing.

The reason I am saying, 'where do we go from here' is because I think I know the way out of this. Or so I think. I could be wrong, because 50% of what I do think is probably wrong. For the most part it has nothing to do with our life it has to do with our heart. To dig deeper and understand this you have to realize we have a propensity of getting ourselves into ruts, because it's easy. The bible tells us so many things about living, real living. But we think we have a better idea than God does. Really? Eve had a better idea. I can hear her saying to herself, after satan said, "God wouldn't do that", "I'm going to decide what I'm going to do, after all it's my life". So, how did that work out?

So, how is this going to help us get out of just another rut? Remember, I said it has to deal with our heart. Well, we need to look at the disciples. Peter, Andrew, James & John were fishermen. In some way it was a dead end job getting up after sun down and going and getting in a boat, dropping the net and make their way back to shore. And if they were lucky that night, they would have fish and buyers for their fish. Nothing exciting, right? Except, they went to the synagogue where they were taught the Christ was coming. It stirred in their hearts something new and exciting. And when Jesus showed up, He said to them, "Follow Me".

Matthew was a tax collector, who no one wanted to associate with, and the rest of the twelve, well they had unknown jobs, jobs not worth mentioning. But they all knew about the Messiah coming. We are now waiting for His second coming. The Messiah is coming and He can transform our lives as we listen to Him say, "Follow Me". Yesterday I said something important. "Our life purpose is not just a nine to five job making widgets. Our purpose is God's calling on us to follow Him."

And that my friend is where we go from here. Follow Him.

Something to think about


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