Snow Storm

It's Monday morning. Supposed to be back to school day, it's not. Supposed to be 'back to work day' and for many it's not that either. I've been looking out the window since way too early like most of you, wondering when this will all be over.
In 1977 a big storm blew through that literally stop all of us in our tracks. Not much was happening and many of us were staying inside waiting for the storm to come to an end. Today is just like that winter day. Many of us have things to do, place's to go and people to see, but not today.
A good number of us realize that this storm mimics what we have gone through these last two years. From the inside of our shelter, we daily look out the window asking ourselves, 'when will all this be over'. But it's not today. God has walked with us through many storms and we have come out on the other side seeing a rainbow hanging in the bright blue sky. Today is going to take us to another one of those days. God is faithful and He will walk with us. He will guide, direct and orchestrate another beautiful tomorrow. When He does, we will open the windows and door of our new life totally dependent on Him.
All of this reminds me of a song from my past that gives us hope and a vision of a great and wonderful future life. The song, written in 1958 by Mosie Lister goes like this:
In the dark of the midnight,
Have I oft hid my face;
While the storm howls above me,
And there's no hiding place;
'Mid the crash of the thunder,
Precious Lord, hear my cry;
"Keep me safe 'til the storm passes by."
'Til the storm passes over,
'Til the thunder sounds no more;
'Til the clouds roll forever from the sky,
Hold me fast, let me stand,
In the hollow of Thy hand;
Keep me safe 'til the storm passes by.
Just remember, He will bring us through all our tomorrows.
Something to think about