Sermons Sundays @ 11am




Children's Ministry: This is something we consider very important. At present, the pastor records a segment that is directly connected to the children. It includes a bible truth with some activities for them. We have struggled in lots of places through time. Until covid-19 came along we had a good Sunday Children's Ministry with two classes. The children divided between: 3-7yrs old and the second group: 8-13. When this is all over we will be working to have one other ministry venue with a Children's Group lead by a Children & Youth worker. We are excited about the possibilities that are ahead of us and our children.

Youth Ministry: At the present time, we are meeting online with a video chat with the pastor on YouTube. We are definitely looking for an end of the lock down and all the possibilities for reaching all youth. Our focus includes those inside the church and those who have yet to come to church or youth group. To accomplish this we will be bringing on a person to lead this group as soon as things open up. Having a youth pastor has been on the agenda for a couple of years and it is now a major priority for our church.


Music Ministry: In the last nine years our church has been lead in the music department by some very capable individuals. Off and on we have tried to get a worship team together. As we move away from covid-19 we are going to work as starting this worship team again. We are looking for individuals who love music, singing, and others who are playing instruments. If you are interested, just drop us a line to: and we will get you into the conversation.

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