Sermons Sundays @ 11am

November 2020

We all knew it would come sooner or later. Yes, I'm talking about our first snowfall of the season. And it's not like we didn't know it would come. You have either been looking forward to this or you have dreaded the moment it comes. For me, if it comes and looks pretty and gone soon after, that would be...

Have you ever had a problem with people and wondered if they were telling the truth? I mean, there have been times when we wondered who was telling the truth or if they were making up stories as the went along. If you didn't know this, our whole world is full of lies. When we were a little younger we had heard from our parent what ...



Just wondering, are we a country of Canadians caught in a world of negativity? I mean, we have for the very first time, been impacted by a pandemic which has and is negatively affecting everyone's life. Let's face it; it's not too much fun. That maybe the way you see it and the way you feel about restrictions. I...

For most of us the outside work for the year is finished. Most everything is put away waiting for spring. As most of you know, this is not the end of the chores to be accomplished by a long shot. December is arriving and there is now the task of decorating the inside and outside for this beautiful Christmas...

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