Sermons Sundays @ 11am

Blog May 2022

Over the years I've seen a lot of faces come and go at church. And when I say many faces, I'm actually talking about the people behind the face. Some were there before I arrived and many of them were there after I left. And some of them just said exactly that to my face. Some even left while I...

Many years ago, when I had just barely arrived into adulthood, my dad wanted to give me some fatherly advice. Being that he had been down the road a bit longer than me, I sat down to listen to his wisdom. Little did I know . . . Maybe you have heard similar advice where a parent wants to...

There is definitely something missing in our lives due to the last two years. Yes, in many ways the restrictions are fading into the past and some freedoms are coming back. The bible tells us that freedom is not always good for us. We need boundaries and limits or we go over the into the deep end of life's pool...

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