Sermons Sundays @ 11am

Blog October 2021

It's Time!


Life will be changing for us today, once more. Everyone is talking about today and the more relaxed measures the government are proposing over the next six months. And it all starts today. "Fully Open" are the words everyone has been waiting for. Even last evening, there were places that were waiting for this to start and they...

Have you ever seen a miracle? Most of you will say yes and then go right into relating what you saw. It moves you. And just for a moment, would you consider getting through the pandemic a miracle? Some say yes and some not so much. You see, it depends on our definition of what is a miracle.

Your Goals


A few days ago something happened in our lives that we have been waiting for a long time. It's called normality. Many of us had dinner together, and we were Thankful. We laughed, and brought everyone up to date on what has been going on in our lives over the last two year, and sighed a wonderful sigh of relief....

Over the last while, life seems to have gotten harder. Maybe we are tired of all this covid stuff. Maybe it's all about freedom or our lack of doing things the way we always have. For some reason, and I don't know what that is, I find life to be difficult at this time. But I'm trying to carry on....

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