Sermons Sundays @ 11am

Blog September 2021

Over the last year or so, we have been engaged in something unusual. It's about realizing what is important in our life. Staying at home was not that easy. Let's just say, many of us still don't like the government telling us what to do. It's bad enough having to pay out more than 50% of our wages to taxes,...

Being You


Do you know who you really are? I'm asking this because, like many individuals, I have to check in with myself every so often. No, it's not a check list that we make, but it's more about who I am. And it's not about changing to be someone we wish we were or conforming to someone else's idea of...



I just purchased an item on Are you one of those people who buy things on either eBay or amazon, or both? Both companies have one goal. Make money and make it fast. Amazon makes almost $8000. per second. And both companies sell about 2 billion items per day each. One is a store that buys items, in...

Have you ever realized how much is said about persecution in the New Testament? Recently in my study for the two sermons each week I started realizing how prevalent it was with the early church. I think the most significant entry had to do with the stoning of Stephen. It happened all because of people thinking they were losing...

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