Sermons Sundays @ 11am

January 2021

Free At Last


With the entire virus around us, it continues to get closer to us. Yes, many are keeping safe and well. Up until recently, I didn't have any direct connection to anyone who became sick. But like many of you, it finally happened. We are one of the lucky ones with all those affected recovering.

Do Unto Others


At this time in history you have probably noticed, it seems like we have more focus on trials of living life then we ever have before. We get out of the car to go into a store and get all the way to the door and have to turn around and go back and get a mask. Then all of...

I'm With You


In the last year, we have learned the hard way. No one wants to be where we are. Maybe we have just lost our focus or we don't know who to listen to or follow. They tell us the end is in sight. They just don't tell us we still need binoculars to see what's ahead. But I think we...

Go & Do


It's well past time. Most of us have sat back for almost a year now. Sat in our easy chair and take it, well, easy. As we now see our world without rose coloured glasses, we are seeing life in it's raw & gritty state. Life is no longer veiled in a drape of our own imagination. Out there...

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