Sermons Sundays @ 11am

Blog July 2021

Fan the Flame


Have you ever been with someone and the conversation is one of those rare times in life where you want it to go on and on forever? I guess Dr. Phil would call it a defining moment, Or something like that. And if you remember back, you can remember who it was, the situation, the place and the event that precipitated the connection and conversation. ...

And on the lighter side. . . Things have been a little stressful for many of us lately, so let's take a moment to sit back and take a break. Yes, we have all that stuff out there that bombards our lives and our concerns. Many of it is terrible and disturbing. But if we are truthful with ourselves,...

Of all the human characteristics, which one do you hear the least about? I think we all have human characteristics that we look for in ourselves and in others. The ones we like are the ones we work on. In fact I would go so far as to say that the number one characteristic most envied is the one...

Starting Anew


Do you remember being in school and being so anxious to see your results from the final exam you were almost sick? Oh yes, you had studied and studied well, but when you wrote the test, you no longer were certain. The wait was almost too much to bear. Your stomach was in knots and, well, you didn't sleep well...

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