Sermons Sundays @ 11am

Blog November 2021

This Sunday is the new second Sunday of Advent. No, it really isn't but it should be. Most of my life I have embraced, Hope, Peace, Joy and Love thinking it's all we need. And yes it is, but maybe we need something more. It's that 'something' that gives us a word or two that prepare us for the other four words which have enveloped our ...

If the stores can do it, then why can't we? Actually, I think and believe we should be the driving force at Christmas. Unfortunately we are now taking a back seat when it comes to Christmas. This is due to the secular world taking over Christmas. The driving force of Christmas today is not the Light of the World...

Coming Home


Sometimes we don't notice things because they just start coming without us recognize what's happening. Just this week I really started noticing! There were are few emails that I receive from who knows where and why. Just so you know, these were not the ordinary advertisements that are bombarding us on our computer, laptops, iPad and phones. It's my...

All Three Days


Yes, Halloween is over and we are thinking out loud, what's next? Most of you think the next thing is Christmas, but it's not. Today is All Saints Day or as it was intended to be, ALL saints day. This day came into being in the early years of the church as a day to honour and remember...

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