Sermons Sundays @ 11am

Blog April 2022



On a day when there is so much wrong in this world, we need some Good News. In 1966 the American Bible Society first published the New Testament Bible and called it, 'Good News For Modern Man'. Many of us who were teens back then, took hold of it and believed it was just for us. Little did we know...

Be The Church


If you have been following my weekly sermons you may have noticed I have been dealing with the words of Jesus. You can hear them sometimes on YouTube but all of them when you come to the church in person. There are 1599 verses in the New Testament attributed to Jesus. Almost all of them are found in the four gospels. ...

We are only days away from Easter. In some cases, we have clawed our way back to a firm relationship with God and His Son Jesus. For others, the conversation continues as the relationship with Christ has only grown stronger with each passing day. I guess that is why Easter is so important. It makes us recognize something that...

For most of the Christians in this world we are all looking forward to Easter. And it's not about the chocolate and bunnies, real or imagined. Forty days were in front of us, when we started this journey walking with Jesus on His way to the cross. It felt like a life time away and we thought we had...

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