Sermons Sundays @ 11am

Blog August 2021

Getting back to normal is not going to be that easy. We can't just hit the pause button followed by the reverse button. Life doesn't work like that and for many of us, that's a good thing it doesn't. Many times in the bible we are told to keep moving forward. Case in point, Jesus said; 'Follow Me'...



Where do we go from here? Well, first off, the kids will be back in school soon. Many more individuals will travel back to the 'in the building' job and then . . . There is the problem. Many of us are afraid to go forward. Fear paralyses us and what is happening right now, doesn't help. That's where...

Do you set goals very often? In my case, August became the time to think and ponder where I wanted to be by next Sept 1st. For me, this means, I am getting set to set some new goals. The process begins with just siting and pondering where I was a year ago. Did I reach my goal, or goals?...

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