Sermons Sundays @ 11am

Blog December 2021

Mark The Date!


There is something about Christmas that seemed to bring a better frame of mind to many, even with the pandemic numbers. Maybe it's knowing that God is Good and He is still in charge, which of course is a really good thing.



Christmas has arrived. Maybe not the way we wanted it to, but none the less, it's here, and we are grateful. Decorations are up, gifts purchased, and for the most part we are ready. This year will in many ways be like last year. Ten people around a table that at one time had twenty three or more....

Well, one more Advent Calendar chocolate disappears. Yes, many children, and older kids to, are counting down the days until Christ arrives in a new way. And even if you don't have a calendar, you might just be counting the amount of sleeps until Christmas morning. Don't do that. Don't wish you days away.

Just wondering, have you gotten into the 'Christmas Spirit'? If you answered yes, what precipitated the change? Was it the snow we have already experienced? Or was it all the Christmas stuff in the stores at Thanksgiving or setting up the tree in the living room? Most of us start to have a change of heart when...

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