Sermons Sundays @ 11am

Blog March 2022

Are you making a difference? Really? Through my blogs on Lent, I've come to realize that, yes, we need to work on ourselves first but then what? We can say we are better at being the Christian God intended us to be but. . . We have moved on to sharing our faith and looked for ways to show others how ...

Not Like You


Our spiritual journey this Advent has passed the twentieth day. How are you doing in looking at yourself and coming to some conclusions? To be honest, this is not an easy task. I would hazard a guess that many of us don't know what to look for anymore. Oh, yes there are blatant miss steps we have taken care of as we stand up and deal with it in ...

Worship Him


Remember back to New Years? The weather was still nice and we were waiting for the cold weather to descend on us. But we also made resolutions. Usually they were something major. Things like stopping to do things that controlled our lives, like eating too much chocolate. But by Valentines, we had found the chocolate hearts and, well, you knew...

Lent has arrived for the entire Christian world. It is a major transitional time for all of us and unlike Christmas where we just try to be good for externals, we focus at this time on what's inside of us and what needs to change. There are significant parts to Lent. The list is pervasive, if not considered impossible...

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