Sermons Sundays @ 11am

May 2021

Just so you know, we still have time to accomplish things we wanted to do for years. This pandemic has really got us to think about something that for years has driven our hearts desire. But we have never had time before. And like you, it's time before our lives get too full again in doing stuff.

Go ahead, take the day off. Sure, I'll give you permission. Well, I can't do that but the government did just that a long time ago to celebrate Queen Victoria's birthday. It's still celebrated now on this day, but now it commemorates the birth of the reigning monarch of the time. Just so you know Elizabeth II was born April 21. ...



How are you? Do you find yourself saying it over and over now in light of the pandemic? It's a pervasive phrase that has and does change us. And many are asking because they really want to know. I believe it has to do with returning to a world that innately cares for each other. I mean, really cares....

Two things have happened since Covid-19 appeared. First, people isolated and secondly, we took care of things we had put of due to the isolation from normal life. We've had more time. The the prices of construction material went through the roof just like the price of toilet paper at the start. Just so you know, there is lots of...

It's time! Well, the truth is, it's past time. I have always thought it was time to start downsizing when you turn say seventy. And for years I have told people, when you get something new, throw or give away something. Did I take my own advice? I'll tell you later.

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