Sermons Sundays @ 11am

February 2021



Each and everyone one of us have upcoming events that we are look forward to. We're getting excited. There are many of these special days and they always seem to come well spaced all around the year. Most of them we look forward to and 'can't wait'. But we have no other choice but to wait because we can't eliminate...



Having difficulty finding things to occupy your time? You have already cleaned out the garage - twice and done the basement three times. You've gone for long walks twice a day and now you take more time to go for groceries each week then you use to in a month. This is all parts and parcel with being told to stay in and only go out when necessary....

As we wait for better times to return, let's not forget there is always good news all around us. Many of us are waiting for a word from our prime minister, premier and city officials that can raise our spirits. We are all looking forward to a "jab" as the British define it. It's part of any glimmer...

Everyone who is reading this today can remember all those individuals who changed your life. Some of us will have a short list, while others can remember many who just happened along the way over time. If you are anywhere north of sixteen, you can remember vividly a few individuals that made an indelible impression on you. Then if you...

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